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单位:云南艺术学院...     作者:宋宜岭,郭宇静,陈新     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:文章旨在通过对传统乡村地区民族文化语言的提取,重构传统手工艺工作坊的整体空间形式,依托现有的空间因素及文化因素,结合老年人的生理、心理及行为特征进行符合适老化手工艺作坊的空间设计,为老年手工艺者提供集手工艺制作与休闲娱乐为一体的手工艺空间。希望通过科学的研究引发社会人士对于适老化的关注与重视,增加适老化格局在现代社会的重视程度,并为以后的适老化设计提供一定借鉴和参考。


中图分类号:TU247 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The research purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the overall spatial form of handicraft space by extracting the ethnic culture and language in traditional rural areas. Based on the existing spatial factors and cultural factors, combining the physiological, psychological and behavioral characteristics of the elderly, the space design of handicraft workshops suitable for aging is carried out. It provides a new handicraft space model integrating handicraft production and leisure entertainment for the elderly craftsman. It is hoped that scientific research can arouse people's attention and attention to the pattern of aging suitability  enhance the importance of the pattern in modern society, and provide reliable experience and reference for the future design of aging suitability.

Key Words:Traditional Handicraft; The Workshop; Ageing-friendly Design