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单位:武汉工程大学...     作者:葛国庆     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:随着时代的发展,茶馆空间风格越来越同质化,内部的文化特色传播减弱。文章首先阐述了地域文化及地域文化在现代茶馆室内空间设计中的应用意义;其次提出了地域文化在现代茶馆室内空间设计中的应用原则;最后,结合现代茶馆空间,以姑苏茶馆为例,详细阐述了地域文化在茶馆空间中的应用形式,以期茶馆具有当地特色的同时促进地域文化的创造性转化发展。


中图分类号:TU247.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of The Times, the space style of teahouses is becoming more and more homogeneous, and the transmission of internal cultural characteristics is weakened. This paper first expounds the regional culture and regional culture in modern tea house interior space design application significance, then this paper deeply discusses the design principle of regional culture application in teahouse space. Combining with the modern teahouse space, finally this paper takes Gusu Teahouse as an example to elaborate the expression form of regional culture in the teahouse space, in order to promote the creative transformation and development of regional culture while teahouse has local characteristics.

Key Words:Regional Culture; Teahouse Design; Modern Teahouse; Space Design