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单位:西华大学美术...     作者:张玉萍,邓姝杨,张凤琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:近年来,国家对如何让文物“活起来”以及扩大中华文化国际影响力高度重视。博物馆作为公益性与文化性的文化场所发挥着重要作用,但目前我国博物馆发展仍存在数字技术更新不足等诸多问题。文章聚焦AR技术在文化类博物馆中的使用,借用体验设计中的5E理论模型,以井盐文化博物馆为例,分析现存文化类博物馆的现状与问题,结合用户定量研究剖析博物馆痛点,为文化类博物馆AR体验设计提供设计思路,以推动文化类博物馆的数字化变革。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the state has attached great importance to how to make cultural relics "live" and expand the international influence of Chinese culture. As a public welfare and cultural place, museums play an important role. However, there are still many problems in the development of museums in China, such as insufficient digital technology update. The research focuses on the use of AR technology in cultural museums, borrows the 5E theoretical model in experience design, takes the well salt culture related museums as an example, analyzes the current situation and problems of existing cultural museums, analyzes the pain points of museums in combination with users' quantitative research, provides design ideas for AR experience design of cultural museums, and promotes the digital transformation of cultural museums.

Key Words: Well Salt Culture; Experience Design; AR Technology; 5E Model; Museum