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单位:山西科技学院...     作者:王传智     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:随着科技的进步和经济的高速增长,人们的生活质量逐渐提高,但面临的问题也逐渐增多,人口老龄化便是其中之一。伴随着年龄的增长,老年人的身心特征会发生一定的变化,部分老年人的行动会受到限制,导致他们的晚年生活大部分时间都是在住宅中度过的。对老年人的身心特征与环境需求进行分析得出,普通的住宅设计并不能满足老年人的日常需求,因此文章提出基于老年人身心特征的住宅适老化设计思路,尝试解决老年人在居家生活中遇到的问题,并以此进行理论性的探究。


中图分类号:TU241.93 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the progress of science and technology and the rapid economic growth, people's quality of life is gradually improved, but the problems are also gradually increasing, the aging population is one of them. With the growth of age, the physical and mental characteristics of the elderly will change to some extent, and some elderly people will be limited in their mobility, resulting in their later life is spent most of the time in the residential. According to the demand for the old people's physical and mental characteristics and environmental analysis, ordinary residential design cannot meet the daily use of old people, therefore, under the background of this article is put forward based on the old people's physical and mental characteristics of aging residential optimum design train of thought, try to solve the old problems in the life that occupy the home, and theoretical according to this inquiry.

Key Words:The Elderly; Psychological Characteristics; Residential; Aging-friendly Design