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单位:青岛科技大学...     作者:勾锐,闫琳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-21

摘 要:近年来,现代化城市的高楼林立与破旧的历史街区显得极不协调,无论是历史街区的建筑本身还是街区文化都逐渐被人们淡忘,历史街区面临着转型发展和功能再造。作为一座历史文化名城,青岛在城市化进程中也不免出现历史街区发展落后的现象。四方路历史街区是青岛历史文化的重要组成部分,里院建筑是四方路历史街区最重要的文化遗产,此次研究将以四方路历史街区为重点调研对象,通过对街区内建筑的历史和空间功能形态的演变与四方路历史街区的主、客观价值评估进行调查研究。以期归纳出城市更新背景下街区内着重发展众创产业、文化商业、新式社区等功能,将街区建筑功能立足于当下,放眼未来发展。


中图分类号:TU984.11+4 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, modern city high-rise and broken historical districts appear uncoordinated. Both the building itself and the culture of the historic district are gradually forgotten, and the historic district is facing transformation development and functional reconstruction. As a famous historical and cultural city, Qingdao inevitably has the phenomenon of backward development of historical blocks in the process of urbanization. Sifang Road historical District is an important part of Qingdao's history and culture, and the courtyard building is the most important cultural heritage of Sifang Road historical district. This thesis will research focusing on the four sides road historical block object, through the history of the area building across the street, in the form of space function evolution and the quartet to study the subjective and objective evaluation of historic blocks in investigation and study, It concludes that under the background of urban renewal, the block focuses on the development of mass innovation industry, cultural commerce, new community and other functions, and bases the building function of the block on the present and looks to the future development.

Key Words:Urban Renewal; Historical Block; Functional Replacement