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单位:广东工业大学...     作者:程若琦,秦璇,郭嘉跃     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-20

摘 要:随着时代的发展,青年消费市场已成为白酒品牌发展的新机遇。文章以石湾玉冰烧酒为例,通过品牌设计帮助玉冰烧酒开拓青年消费市场,以期能提升玉冰烧酒品牌的知名度与影响力,更好地传承中华传统白酒文化。首先,调研了青年消费群体的白酒消费行为;其次,总结了玉冰烧酒的品牌现状,接下来分析了面对青年消费群体进行玉冰烧酒品牌设计的意义;最终,从品牌定位、品牌视觉设计以及品牌推广三个方面提出了品牌设计策略,为石湾玉冰烧酒品牌设计提供行之有效的设计参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of the times, the youth consumption market has become a new opportunity for the development of liquor brands. Taking Yubingshao wine in Shiwan as an example, the article helps Yubingshao wine to open up the youth consumption market through brand design, hoping to enhance the popularity and influence of Yubingshao wine brand and better inherit the traditional Chinese liquor culture. First of all, the author investigated the liquor consumption behavior of youth consumer groups; then summarized the brand status of Yubingshao wine, then analyzed the significance of developing Yubingshao wine brand design in the face of youth consumer groups; finally proposed brand design strategies from three aspects of brand positioning, brand visual design and brand promotion, providing effective design reference for the brand design of Yubingshao wine.

Key Words:Youth Consumers; Shiwan Yubingshao Wine; Brand Design; Strategy