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单位:鲁迅美术学院...     作者:李婉玉,陈江波     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-20

摘 要:科技时代汽车作为人们生活的一部分,越来越多的车载产品伴随着汽车的普及日益发展壮大,在提高人们生活质量的同时,车载产品的体验感也随着人们的需求与市场发展发生质的改变。文章首先分析了用户体验的内涵及车载产品在感官体验、使用体验、情感体验下的设计属性,提升现有车载产品的质量与体验感,然后总结出车载产品设计的思路,最后以车载咖啡机为例,验证可行性,以期更好地触发用户体验时的深层体验与情感表达。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a part of people's life in the age of science and technology, more and more on-board products are growing with the popularity of cars. While improving people's life quality, the experience of on-board products also changes qualitatively with people's needs and market development. This paper firstly elaborates the connotation of user experience and analyzes the design attributes of in-vehicle  products under sensory experience, use experience and emotional experience to improve the quality and sense of experience of existing in-vehicle products, and then summarizes the design ideas of in-vehicle products. Finally, the design practice of car coffee machine is verified to better trigger the deep experience and emotional expression of user experience.

Key Words:User Experience; In-vehicle Product; Product Experience Design