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单位:扬州工业职业...     作者:王连平,李云杰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-20

摘 要:《园林制图与CAD》是高职园林工程技术专业重要的专业平台课,是在学习前导课程《建筑概论》的基础上,开设的一门理实一体化课程。文章阐述了《园林制图与CAD》课程教学的现状,结合教学内容、教学资源及考核方式等方面探讨线上线下教学改革的新思路,对接专业人才培养目标,以期为学生学习《景观构造与施工技术》等后续课程奠定基础。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Landscape Drawing and CAD is an important professional platform course for the landscape engineering technology major in higher vocational education. It is an integrated course of theory and practice based on the study of the leading course Introduction to Architecture. This paper describes the current situation of the teaching of Landscape Drawing and CAD, discusses the new ideas of online and offline teaching reform in combination with the teaching content, teaching resources and assessment methods, connects the training objectives of professional talents, and lays a foundation for students to learn subsequent courses such as Landscape Structure and Construction Technology.

Key Words:Landscape Drawing and CAD; Online and Offline Teaching; Teaching Reform