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单位:绵阳城市学院...     作者:罗小娇,黄莉萍,钟淋莎     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-03-20

摘 要:中国诗歌文化是景观设计的重要灵感来源,将中国诗歌文化融入课程教学中,可以更好地培养学生的文化自信,落实“立德树人”的教育目标。文章基于中国诗歌文化,主要从教学知识模块重构、教学场景丰富、实训案例库建设、实践训练拓展、教师素养提升等方面探讨了《景观规划设计》课程教学的创新思路。同时,通过开展基于中国诗歌文化的《景观规划设计》课程教学创新实践,对进一步实现中国诗歌文化与专业课程教学的创新性融入提供了一定借鉴。

关键词:中国诗歌文化; 景观规划设计;教学创新

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese poetry culture is an important source of inspiration for landscape design. Integrating Chinese poetry culture into the curriculum teaching can better cultivate students' cultural self-confidence and implement the educational goal of "cultivating morality and cultivating people". Based on the Chinese poetry culture, this article mainly discusses the innovative ideas of the teaching of "Landscape Planning and Design" from the aspects of the reconstruction of teaching knowledge modules, the enrichment of teaching scenes, the construction of training case base, the expansion of practical training, and the improvement of teachers' quality. At the same time, through the innovative practice of the teaching of "Landscape Planning and Design" based on Chinese poetry culture, it will provide some reference for further realizing the innovative integration of Chinese poetry culture and professional curriculum teaching.

Key Words:Chinese Poetry Culture; Landscape Planning and Design; Teaching Innovation