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单位:桂林电子科技...     作者:宁雪茵,李纳璺     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:随着现代生活节奏加快、社会竞争越来越大,促使人们的生活习惯发生改变。越来越多的空巢青年选择以宠物为伴的独居生活,人宠一体化家具需求由此产生。文章以空巢青年和宠物猫为例,将情感交互理念作为理论基础,阐述人宠一体化家具的设计原则,并从情感设计的三层面对人宠一体化家具进行设计思路的分析,由此指导设计实践。文章旨在通过一体化家具设计帮助人宠在有限空间内创建更加优越的互动条件,体现对空巢青年、宠物的人文关怀,以期为未来人宠一体化产品设计研究提供参考。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the accelerated pace of modern life and increasing social competition, people's living habits have changed. More and more empty nest young people choose to live alone with pets, which leads to the demand for human-pet integrated furniture. Taking the empty-nest youth and pet cat as examples, this paper takes the concept of emotional interaction as the theoretical basis, expounds the design principles of human-pet integrated furniture, and analyzes the design ideas of human-pet integrated furniture from the three levels of emotional design, thus guiding the design practice. The article aims to help people and pets create more favorable interactive conditions in limited space through integrated furniture design, reflect the humanistic care for empty-nest youth and pets, and provide reference for the design and research of people-pet integrated products in the future.

Key Words:Emotional Interaction; Empty Nest Youth; Pet Cat; Integration; Furniture Design