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单位:沈阳建筑大学...     作者:冼宁,邢芮祎      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:经济发展与城市扩张对河流环境造成了较大影响,水污染与生态问题日益严重。城市滨水景观的设计理念不应仅仅为人类服务,更应当起到修复河流生态环境的作用。遵循生态理念,使城市河流生态系统得到良性的循环才能实现城市河流滨水空间的可持续发展。文章从生态的角度出发,针对河流环境污染的问题,提出将生态修复理念应用于城市河流滨水景观中的方法,使滨水景观在美化环境的同时起到优化生态环境的作用。


中图分类号:TU984.18 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Economic development and urban expansion have caused great damage to the river environment, and water pollution and ecological problems are becoming increasingly serious. The design concept of urban waterfront landscape should not only serve human beings, but also play a role in restoring the ecological environment of rivers. The sustainable development of urban river waterfront space can be realized only by following the ecological concept and making the urban river ecosystem get a virtuous cycle. From an ecological point of view, the article proposes the application of ecological restoration concept to the urban river waterfront landscape, so that the waterfront landscape can play a role in optimizing the ecological environment while beautifying the environment.

Key Words:Ecological Restoration; Waterfront Landscape; River Restoration; Landscape Design