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单位:江西师范大学...     作者:艾亚玮,罗雅琪,叶青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:随着城市现代化建设进程的推进,经济发达城市吸引着无数外来青年前来就业与居住。但是大部分传统住房并不能满足新时期青年群体的心理需求,且大城市的青年群体存在着较为严重的“空巢”现象。因此,文章从环境心理学与新时期青年群体的心理需求两方面,提出基于环境心理学的青年公寓半共享空间设计思路,以期为青年公寓设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU241.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:with the advancement of urban modernization, economically developed cities have attracted numerous foreign youths to come to work and live there. However, most of the traditional housing does not meet the psychological needs of the new generation of young people, and there is a serious phenomenon of "empty nest" among the young people in big cities. Therefore, this paper from the environmental psychology theory and the psychological needs of the youth group in the new era two aspects, this paper puts forward the idea of semi-shared space design of youth apartment based on the theory of environmental psychology, in order to provide some reference for the design of youth apartment.

Key Words:Environmental Psychology; New-age Youth Groups; Youth Apartments; Semi-shared Space Design