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基于KJ-AHP-FCE的 “空巢青年”人宠互动健身产品设计

单位:湖北工业大学...     作者:张阿杰,黄劲松,张学敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:为缓解“空巢青年”的孤独感,促进“空巢青年”身心健康发展,设计研究一款适用于“空巢青年”的人宠互动健身产品。首先通过用户访谈、问卷调查和亲和图法(KJ)收集“空巢青年”健身需求,其次结合层次分析法(AHP)进行各层级指标权重计算,计算出相关设计因素的权重值,以此为指导进行方案设计,最后采用模糊综合评价法(FCE)对三个设计方案进行综合评价,选出最佳方案并进一步优化完善。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: In order to alleviate the loneliness of "empty nest youth" and promote their physical and mental health development, we have designed and researched a human-pet interactive fitness product for "empty nest youth". The product is designed to meet the emotional needs of young people. Firstly, we collected the fitness needs of "empty nest youth" through user interviews, questionnaires and affinity diagrams (KJ), Secondly, we calculated the weights of the indicators at each level by combining with hierarchical analysis (AHP) to calculate the weights of relevant design factors, and used this as a guide to design the scheme. Finally, the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) method was used to comprehensively evaluate the three design solutions, select the best solution and further optimise it.

Key Words:KJ-AHP-FCE; "Empty Nest Youth"; Human-pet Interactive; Fitness Products