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单位:蚌埠工商学院...     作者:傅士凡,王承     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:乡村振兴战略作为推动我国乡村文化建设的有效抓手,为进一步复兴乡村文化注入了可持续发展动力。皖北剪纸艺术历史悠久,是皖北民间文化的典型代表,其形神兼备的造型构图、质朴古拙的图案纹饰与寓意丰富的题材类型是皖北人民审美的集中体现。随着现代社会的发展,皖北剪纸艺术的传承面临文化生态受损、传承人的稀缺、剪纸文化开发利用不够等问题。现今应发掘皖北剪纸在新时代下发展的特色及优势,以期为皖北剪纸文化的活态传承提供借鉴参考。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As an effective measure to promote our rural culture construction, the rural revitalization strategy will inject sustainable development impetus into the further rejuvenation of rural culture. The paper-cut art in northern Anhui has a long history and is a typical representative of the folk culture in northern Anhui. Its shape composition with both form and spirit, simple and primitive patterns and rich meaning of the subject type are the concentrated embodiment of the aesthetic of the people in northern Anhui. With the development of modern society, the inheritance of paper-cut art in northern Anhui is faced with such problems as the damage of cultural ecology, the scarcity of inheritors and the insufficient development and utilization of paper-cut culture. At present, we should explore the characteristics and advantages of the development of paper-cut in northern Anhui in the new era, in order to provide reference for the dynamic inheritance of paper-cut culture in northern Anhui.

Key Words:Rural Revitalization; North Anhui Paper-cut; The Living Inheritance