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单位:北华大学美术学院     作者:林东锦,李欣然,汪伟亮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-27

摘 要:近几年,在我国社会经济水平的大幅度提高和乡村振兴战略的持续推进下,人们的生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人选择乡村旅游,特色乡村民宿的社会地位和发展前景逐渐提升。同时为了缓解地域文化缺失的问题,各地均开发了许多具有地域文化特色的民宿。在研究东北乡村满族特色民宿相关文献与方案的过程中,发现它存在着一些问题。因此,文章通过对满族文化与民宿现存问题的分析,提出了相关的设计优化策略,以期为特色民宿设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU247.4 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, with the substantial improvement of China's social and economic level and the continuous promotion of the rural revitalization strategy, people's living standards have been continuously improved, more and more people choose rural tourism, and the social status and development prospects of characteristic rural homestay have been gradually improved.At the same time, in order to alleviate the problem. In the process of studying the relevant literature and scheme of Manchu characteristic homestay in northeast China, it is found that there are problems such as disorderly elements and imperfect facilities.Through the analysis of the existing problems of Manchu culture and home stay, in order to provide some reference for characteristic homestay design.

Key Words:In Northeast China; Manchu Culture; Rural Homestay Design