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单位:北方工业大学...     作者:王文锦,边鹏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-24

摘 要:为使儿童获得愉快的运动体验,文章首先从沉浸理论入手,阐述了产生沉浸体验的必要条件,然后对儿童的生理及心理特征进行了分析,接着梳理了现有儿童运动类产品设计存在的一些问题,最后探讨了沉浸体验和产品设计的关联性,并提出了基于沉浸理论的儿童运动类产品的设计思路。通过文章的研究,以期为儿童运动类产品设计提供新视角,为儿童设计出更加科学有趣的运动类产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To make children happy sports experience, the article first of all, from the perspective of the flow theory, expounds the necessary conditions of producing flow experience, then analyses the physiological and psychological characteristics of children, and then combed the existing children's sports product design problems, and finally discusses the relevance of flow experience and product design, The design ideas of children's sports products based on immersion theory are put forward. Through the study of this article, we hope to provide a new perspective for the design of children's sports products, and design more scientific and interesting sports products for children.

Key Words:immersion Theory; Children Experience; Sports Products; Design