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单位:华东理工大学...     作者:孟媛媛,陈虹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-02-24

摘 要:随着互联网进入存量时代及社交媒体的助推下,社交电商社区作为兼具内容社区、社交互动和电商交易的新型电商模式日渐壮大。但在快速发展的同时,无论在界面设计和功能设计上,还是在更深层次的情感诉求上都尚未满足用户需求。文章结合依恋理论和情感化设计三层次理论,从本能层、行为层和反思层分别提出情感化设计方法,满足用户在使用过程中的情感需要,促进用户对社交电商社区建立认同,产生喜爱,进而形成依赖,建立强烈的依恋情感,提高消费意愿。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract: With the Internet entering the era of stock and social media boost, social e-commerce community as both content community, social interaction and e-commerce transactions of the new e-commerce model is growing day by day. However, in the rapid development, both the interface design, functional design and deeper emotional appeal has not yet met the needs of users. The article combines attachment theory and the three-level theory of emotional design, and proposes emotional design methods from the instinctive level, behavioral level and reflective level to meet users' emotional needs in the process of use, so as to promote users' identification with the social e-commerce community, generate love, and then form dependence, establish strong attachment emotions, and increase consumption willingness.

Key Words:Attachment Theory; Social E-commerce Community; Emotional Design