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单位:澳门城市大学...     作者:颜成宇,孙博,马映彤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:在数字化时代的背景下,科技正在革新原有电子音乐合成器设计的制造方式。文章首先分析了国内外的研究现状,然后从脑波采集、脑波映射两方面阐述了基于脑波驱动的电子音乐合成器产品设计思路,最后通过设计实践实证理论。该研究的创新点在于扩展了音乐创作的方式,以期为基于脑波驱动的电子音乐合成器产品设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the background of digital age, technology is innovating the original design and manufacture of electronic music synthesizer. This paper first analyzes the research status at home and abroad, and then expounds the innovative design ideas of brainwave-driven electronic music synthesizer product from two aspects of brainwave acquisition and brainwave mapping, and finally empirically demonstrates the theory through design practice. The innovation of this research lies in the extension of the new way of music creation, and at the same time, it provides a certain reference for the design of electronic music synthesizer based on human signals.

Key Words: Brain Waves; Electronic Music Synthesizer; Product Design