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单位:苏州工艺美术...     作者:徐瑶,平国安     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:文章以南安普顿大学温切斯特艺术学院为例,分析英国艺术设计专业的人才培养模式,重点对它培养目标的设定、模块课程的设计、教学评估的模式,以及参与政府的创业孵化项目四个方面进行梳理、归纳。以期借鉴英国高校艺术设计专业的教学模式,为我国高校的艺术设计专业创新人才的培养模式探索提供一定参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Taking Winchester School of the Arts of the University of Southampton as an example, this paper analyzes the talent training mode of art design in the UK, focusing on the setting of training objectives, the design of module courses, the mode of teaching evaluation, and the participation in the government's business incubation program. In order to use the teaching mode and focus of art design in British universities for reference, this will provide some reference for exploring the cultivation mode of innovative talents in Chinese universities.

Key Words:UK; Winchester School of Art; Teaching Practice