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单位:石家庄学院美...     作者:李筠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-01-19

摘 要:在高校注重内涵建设的背景下,提升课堂教学质量成为其中的关键环节,教师在课堂中需要更多地培养学生主动学习、自主解决问题的能力。文章针对《工业设计史》课程设计与当下学生能力要求不匹配的问题,将PBL教学法在该课程中进行应用,从课程内容、时间安排、互动模式等方面进行了重新设计,结合课堂实践比较了PBL教学法与传统教学的优势,从而提高教师的教学质量和学生的综合能力。PBL教学法的应用,是对理论类课程的探索和尝试,以期对高质量人才培养具有积极意义。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of connotation construction in colleges and universities, improving the quality of classroom teaching has become a key link. Teachers need to cultivate students' ability to actively learn and solve problems independently in the classroom. In view of the mismatch between the course design of History of Industrial Design and current students' ability requirements, this paper applies PBL teaching method into the course, redesigns the course content, time arrangement, interaction mode and other aspects, and compares the advantages of PBL teaching method and traditional teaching method combined with classroom practice. Thus improving teachers' teaching quality and students' comprehensive ability. The application of PBL teaching method is an exploration and attempt of theoretical courses, which is expected to have positive significance for the cultivation of high-quality talents.

Key Words:PBL Teaching Method; Classroom Teaching; History of Industrial Design