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单位:安徽建筑大学...     作者:林德,陈昌云     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:文章以信阳毛尖包装设计为载体展现豫南文化,提升本土消费者对豫南文化的认同感以及外地消费者对豫南文化的认知度。首先,对豫南文化元素进行阐述,并分析信阳毛尖包装现存问题;再从三个不同角度来探讨豫南文化元素在信阳毛尖包装中的应用价值;接着探讨豫南文化元素在信阳毛尖包装中的应用方法;最后,进行设计实践。希望通过文章的研究能为其他茶叶包装设计提供思路和参考依据。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper take Xinyang Maojian packaging design as the carrier to show the culture of southern Henan, improve the identity of local consumers to southern Henan culture and the recognition of foreign consumers to southern Henan culture. Firstly, the cultural elements in southern Henan are expounded, and the existing problems of Xinyang Maojian packaging are analyzed. Then the application value of cultural elements in southern Henan in Xinyang Maojian packaging was discussed from three different perspectives. Then, discuss the application method of southern Henan cultural elements in Xinyang Maojian packaging. Finally, design practice. It is hoped that Henan culture can be effectively inherited and promoted in Xinyang Maojian packaging, and the brand value of Xinyang Maojian packaging can be improved. The application research of this paper can provide design ideas and reference for tea packaging product design.

Key Words:Southern Henan Cultural Elements; Xinyang Maojian; Packaging Design; Application