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单位:苏州农业职业...     作者:沈洲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:乡村景观建设是落实乡村振兴战略的重要内容。乡村景观规划设计直接影响到乡村的经济发展和人居环境建设。近年来,乡村地区的大力开发与建设给村庄内部的景观营建提出了严峻的挑战,村庄老旧空间的闲置现象越来越 普遍,如宅间废弃地、垃圾堆放地、空旷荒草地等,均影响了宜居、宜业、宜游的乡村人居环境建设。因此,文章进行充分地调研与实地分析,针对江苏省北部地区乡村景观规划与设计实践的内容,重点分析了乡村微景观空间的类型及其营建方式,并进一步提出了新时代背景下乡村微景观设计的策略,以期为新时代高质量推进乡村振兴与建设美丽乡村提供有益的启迪和参考。


中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Rural landscape construction is an important part of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. Rural landscape planning and design directly affects rural economic development and human settlement environment construction. In recent years, the vigorous development and construction of rural areas have posed severe challenges to the construction of landscapes within villages, and the phenomenon of idle old spaces in villages has become more and more common, such as abandoned houses in houses, garbage dumps, empty barren grasslands, etc., which has affected the construction of rural living environment suitable for living, working and traveling. Therefore, combined with sufficient research and detailed field analysis, this paper focuses on the types of rural micro-landscape spaces and their construction methods for the practice of rural landscape planning and design in northern Jiangsu Province. The strategy of building and upgrading beautiful rural landscapes based on the perspective of microspace is further proposed, which provides useful inspiration and reference for promoting rural revitalization and building beautiful villages with high quality in the new era.

Key Words:Rural Revitalization; Rural Micro-landscape; Landscape Design; The Northern Part of Jiangsu Province