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单位:沈阳建筑大学     作者:刘敬东,车龙轩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:随着年龄的增长和生理机能的下降,老年人的视觉状态也会出现一定的下降。想要给老年人提供良好的照明环境,就需要更进一步地关注老年人的视觉状态,在开展照明设计时考虑老年人的视觉特征。文章基于此,首先阐述了照明设计的相关概念,对老年人随着年龄增加而改变的视觉特征进行分析,然后结合老年人的生理与心理特点探究老年人的照明需求,最后在分析面向老人的适老化照明设计相关标准的基础上,提出面向老年人的适老化照明设计策略。


中图分类号:TU113.661 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the increase of age and the decline of physiological function, the visual state of the elderly will show a certain loss. In order to provide a more convenient and comfortable lighting environment for the elderly, it is necessary to pay more attention to the visual state of the aging population, and consider the visual characteristics of the elderly population when developing lighting design. Based on this, the article first introduces the relevant concepts of lighting design, analyzes the visual characteristics of the elderly that change with age, and then combines the physiological and psychological characteristics of the elderly to explore the lighting needs of the elderly, and analyzes the aging suitable for the elderly. Based on the relevant standards of lighting design, propose an aging-friendly lighting design strategy for the elderly.

Key Words:The Elderly; Suitable for Aging; Lighting; Design