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单位:湖南艺术职业学院     作者:李静静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:在“互联网+”的时代背景下,混合式教学成为我国高等教育改革与发展的趋势之一。为了提高产品设计专业人才培养质量,满足现代社会应用型人才的需求。文章以《产品手绘表现》课程为研究对象,基于布鲁姆二维教学目标理论,依据现代产品设计专业人才培养方案和课程标准,整理、细分、定位课程教学目标,构建混合式教学模式、设计教学环节、建立混合式评价体系。通过文章的研究以期增强学生学习的积极性和主动性,提升课程教学效果和专业人才培养质量。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of the "Internet+" era, mixed teaching has become one of the trends in the reform and development of higher education in China. In order to improve the training quality of product design professionals and meet the needs of applied talents in modern society. The article takes the course "Product Hand Painting Performance" as the research object, based on Bloom's two-dimensional teaching goal theory, according to the training program and curriculum standards of modern product design professionals, sorts out, subdivides and locates the teaching goals of the course, constructs a mixed teaching mode, designs teaching links, and establishes a mixed evaluation system. Through the research of the article, we hope to enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of students in learning, improve the teaching effect of the curriculum and the quality of professional training.

Key Words:Bloom's Two-dimensional Teaching Objectives; Product Hand Painting Performance; Mixed Teaching