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单位:广东东软学院     作者:罗青雅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:在新工科建设背景下,教育教学改革及人才培养有了进一步的要求。因此《产品设计程序与方法》作为工业设计专业必修的基础课程,需要探索新时期的课程教学改革模式。文章依据工业设计专业《产品设计程序与方法》课程的培养目标,分析《产品设计程序与方法》课程教学现状及改革意义,从课程体系、教学方式及手段、实践教学环节和考核评价等几个方面做出尝试和探索,为新工科建设背景下工业设计专业《产品设计程序与方法》课程教学改革提供新思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the background of new engineering construction, education and teaching reform and personnel training have further requirements. Therefore, "Procedures and Methods of Product Design", as a compulsory basic course for industrial design majors, needs to explore the curriculum teaching reform mode in the new period. Based on the training objectives of the course "Procedures and Methods of Product Design" for industrial design majors, this article analyzes the current teaching status and reform significance of the "Procedures and Methods of Product Design" course, from the curriculum system, teaching methods and means, practical teaching links and assessment and evaluation. In order to provide new ideas for the teaching reform of the course "Procedures and Methods of Product Design" in the industrial design major under the background of new engineering construction.

Key Words:New Engineering; Procedures and Methods of Product Design; Industrial Design; Teaching Reformation