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“逆向+先导” 理念下的 《计算机辅助设计Ⅰ》课程教学改革研究

单位:燕山大学     作者:王媚雪,王丽琳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:《计算机辅助设计Ⅰ》是面向工科背景学生开设的设计类基础课程,教学中普遍存在工艺思维共享困难、课堂氛围沉闷、课堂实践与反馈不及时等问题,为此提出了“逆向+先导”的课程设计理念。在此理念下将《计算机辅助设计Ⅰ》作为实例进行教学策略剖析,从教学方法、授课内容及教学形式三方面来保证课程的有效性和趣味性,同时为工科背景下设计类基础课程提供一定参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:" Computer-Assisted Design Ⅰ" is a basic course of computer aided design for students with engineering background. There are many problems in teaching, such as difficulty in sharing process thinking, dull classroom atmosphere and untimely classroom practice and feedback. Therefore, the curriculum design concept of "Reverse + Pilot" is put forward. Under the concept of "Computer-Assisted Design Ⅰ" as examples to analyze the teaching strategy, from the teaching method, teaching content and teaching form three aspects to ensure the effectiveness and interest of the course. At the same time, it provides teaching reference for basic courses of design in engineering background.

Key Words:"Reverse + Pilot"; "Computer Aided Design Ⅰ" Course; The Enteractive Classroom; The Teaching Reform