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单位:清华大学美术学院     作者:任擎东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:人类的创造活动不仅源于科学的探索,还源于艺术的观察、感知、假设与追问。在这一过程中,艺术与科学共同探寻着未知的世界,推动着人类文明的进程。文章首先从跨越时空的“共性”、表达呈现的“共性”、认知意识的“共性”、创作实验的“共性”四方面阐述艺术与科学的共性问题。其次,分析艺术创作和科学探究的方法交融如何为创造力提供来源。文章试图通过对艺术与科学的共性研究为创造提供新的启示。


中图分类号:J205 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Human creation not only originates from scientific exploration, but also from artistic observation, perception, hypothesis and inquiry. In this process, art and science jointly explore the unknown world and promote the progress of human civilization. This paper first expounds the problems discussed by art and science from four aspects: the "commonness" that spans time and space, the "commonness" of expression and presentation, the "commonness" of cognitive consciousness and the "commonness" of creative experiment. Secondly, it analyzes how the integration of artistic creation and scientific inquiry provides sources for creativity. This paper attempts to provide new inspiration for creation through the common research of art and science.

Key Words:Art and Science; Commonality; Blend; Creativity