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单位:西南林业大学...     作者:赵隽伯,郭晶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:红色文化博物馆是党和国家保存革命文物、记录革命历史、传承红色基因的重要场所。文章以红色文化博物馆展陈空间为研究对象,将复合化设计体系融入博物馆展陈空间提出拓展多样的空间形态、营造协调的照明环境、构建丰富的展陈形式、应用高效智能设备的设计策略。并结合中国远征军博物馆的设计实践探索空间复合化理论的可行性,为创建强烈体验感的红色文化博物馆展陈空间提供理论支撑与实践指导。


中图分类号:TU242.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The red culture museum is an important place for the party and the state to preserve revolutionary cultural relics, record revolutionary history and inherit red genes. Taking the exhibition space of the Red Culture Museum as the research object, this paper integrates the compound design system into the exhibition space of the museum, puts forward the design strategy of expanding various space forms, creating a coordinated lighting environment, constructing rich exhibition forms and applying efficient intelligent equipment, and explores the feasibility of the space compound theory in combination with the design practice of the Chinese Expeditionary Army Museum, It provides theoretical support and practical guidance for the creation of exhibition space of red culture museum with a strong sense of experience.

Key Words:Red Culture Museum; Exhibition Space; Composite Design