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单位:广东万喜至工...     作者:万伏初,王耿,万典华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:随着人口老龄化加剧和居民收入水平提高,以及科学技术的快速发展,智慧养老的需求越来越广泛,然而很多养老产品过于注重技术的应用,忽略了产品设计的本质是用户需求。文章以服务设计为理论基础,基于服务设计流程,从需求调研、现状分析到产品设计,将服务设计理念贯穿到智能养老产品设计方案中,充分展现出服务设计中的显性因素和隐性因素,以期满足老年人的实际需求,提高老年人的满意度和体验感。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the intensification of population aging, the improvement of residents' income level and the rapid development of science and technology, the demand for intelligent elderly care is becoming more and more extensive. However, many elderly care products pay too much attention to the application of technology and ignore that the essence of product design is user demand. Based on the service design as the theoretical basis and based on the service design process, this paper penetrates the service design concept into the intelligent elderly care product design scheme from the research demand, current situation analysis to product design, and fully shows the explicit and implicit factors in the service design, in order to meet the actual needs of the elderly and improve the satisfaction and experience of the  elderly.

Key Words:Service Design; The Elderly; Intelligent Elderly Care; Wearable Products