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单位:长安大学     作者:赵涛,刘建华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:外卖行业的发展对整个人类社会都有着深远的影响,外卖服务的方便性让很多人选择了点外卖。如何保证用户对“饭盒子”的满意程度,优化消费群体的体验,成为目前外卖行业的关键问题。而3D打印技术具有快速修改错误、降低开发成本、提高生产效率的能力。将3D打印技术应用于外卖配送车设计,将会是一个新的尝试。因此,文章分析了现有的外卖配送方式,基于3D打印技术,对外卖配送车进行了创新设计及优化设计,使其更加适配现有环境,实现了产品的升级优化,对提高外卖服务的用户体验具有一定的参考价值。


中图分类号:U484 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of the takeaway industry has a profound impact on the entire human society, and the convenience of takeaway services has made many people choose to order takeaway. How to ensure the satisfaction of users with the "lunch box" and optimize the experience of consumer groups has become a key issue in the current takeaway industry. 3D printing technology has the ability to quickly correct errors, reduce development costs, and improve production efficiency. Applying it to the design of food delivery vehicles will be a new attempt. Therefore, this paper analyzes the existing takeaway delivery methods, based on 3D printing technology, the takeaway delivery vehicle has been creatively designed and optimized design research, making it more suitable for the existing environment, upgrading the takeaway delivery mode, realizing product upgrade optimization, and improving the user experience of takeaway services.

Key Words:3D printing; takeaway delivery trucks; Innovative Design