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单位:青海师范大学     作者:马睿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:近年来,火车站已经是人们途经各个地方的主要场所,新时代的火车站逐渐成为城市发展的标志性建筑,火车站不再局限于交通建筑这一单一的功能,慢慢演变为多功能为一体的城市综合体,让青海“帐房”建筑元素更好的融入火车站的室内公共空间中,传承民族文化、展示城市形象,突出人性化设计的理念,在候车厅休憩的同时,让人们感受到不出车站也能体验当地特色的民族文化风情。


中图分类号:TU248 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the railway station has become a necessary place for people to pass through various places. The railway station in the new era has gradually become a landmark building for urban development. The railway station is no longer limited to the single function of transportation building, but gradually evolved into a multi-functional urban complex, so as to better integrate the architectural elements of Qinghai "account house" into the indoor public space of the railway station, inherit the national culture, display the image of the city, and highlight the humanized design concept, While resting in the waiting hall, people can experience the national culture with local characteristics without leaving the station. 

Key Words:"Accounting Room" Building; Indoor Public Space of Railway Station; National Culture; Humanized Design