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单位:吉首大学     作者:谢玉烨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:在社会经济日益发达的当下,人们的生活水平在不断提升,同时对赖以生存的环境也有了更高的要求,使室内空间的设计需求得以高速发展,但各类不可忽视的问题也逐渐显现。文章基于社会系统研究方法,针对室内设计的现状,运用整体、结构、层次、开放的分析方法提出目前面临的典型问题,同时根据社会系统研究方法的基本原则总结出相应对策,以期为装饰与室内设计领域的发展提供相关的理论支撑。


中图分类号:TU238.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the increasingly developed society and economy, people's living standards and quality of life are rising, they have higher demands on the environment they live in, so that the interior space design needs to develop rapidly. But at the same time, all kinds of problems that can not be ignored also gradually emerged. Based on the social systems research method, in view of the current situation of decoration and interior design, using the holistic, structural, hierarchical and open analysis method, it puts forward the typical problems it is currently facing . Meanwhile, corresponding countermeasures are summarized according to the basic principles of social system research methods. Thus it provides theoretical support for the development of decoration and interior design.

Key Words:Social Systems Research Methods; Interior Design; Existing Problems; Application Analysis