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单位:吉林建筑大学     作者:唱佳韵,孙明阳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-21

摘 要:汽车产业的发展丰富了汽车文化的内涵,利用数字化APP的技术手段使汽车文化完成了从现实到虚拟空间的转化,为汽车文化的保护与传播方式的转变及创新带来了无限可能。文章首先对汽车APP界面设计的现状进行分析概述,其次阐述了汽车文化APP界面设计的意义,最后梳理了汽车文化APP界面的设计流程,并以红旗汽车文化APP界面设计为例,以期为其他同类型汽车文化的传播提供有益的参考。


中图分类号:TP311.56 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of the automobile industry has enriched the connotation of automobile culture, and the use of digital APP technology has enabled the transformation of automobile culture from reality to virtual space, which has brought infinite possibilities for the transformation and innovation of automobile culture protection and dissemination. The article firstly analyzes the current situation of automobile APP interface design; secondly, it elaborates the significance of automobile culture APP interface design; finally, it sorts out the design process of automobile culture APP interface, and takes the interface design of Hong Qi automobile culture APP as an example, in order to provide useful reference for the digital development of APP of other similar automobile culture protection and dissemination.

Key Words:Automobile Culture; APP; Interface Design