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单位:西安工程大学     作者:朱卓,孙薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-10-20

摘 要:文章以羽毛球蒸球器为研究对象,从用户感性需求角度出发,运用感性工学方法对羽毛球蒸球器外观造型进行研究。首先,收集羽毛球蒸球器样本并聚类,选取代表性样本。其次,收集用户对羽毛球蒸球器的感性意象词汇,建立感性词汇库,运用语义差分法量化用户对蒸球器的情感需求,再采用因子分析法归纳出用户对产品关注度较高的意象词汇。最后以美观、昂贵、硬朗为三个主要感性意象设计了一款羽毛球蒸球器,验证了感性工学研究方法对产品外观设计的实用性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article takes badminton ball steamers as the research object and uses the perceptual engineering approach to study the appearance and shape of badminton ball steamers from the perspective of users' perceptual needs. Firstly, samples of badminton ball steamers were collected and clustered to select representative samples. Secondly, we collected users' perceptual imagery vocabulary for badminton ball steamers, established a perceptual vocabulary database, quantified users' emotional needs for ball steamers using semantic difference, and then used factor analysis to summarise the imagery vocabulary that users pay more attention to the product, and finally designed a badminton ball steamer with three main perceptual imagery: beautiful, expensive and hard. The practicality of the perceptual engineering approach to product design was verified.

Key Words:Product Design; kansei Engineering; Badminton; Ball Steamer; Sensual Imagery