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单位:广州商学院     作者:黄金梅,黄旭玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:我国几千年的传统文化具有着非常鲜明的民族特色和精神风貌,表现出了文化的多样性与丰富性。UI设计(User Interface Design,即用户界面设计,以下简称为UI)作为新兴的设计领域,在全球化时代的背景下,更应形成属于中国的设计风格。文章通过梳理中国传统文化元素在UI中的应用意义、应用现状,结合市面上较为优秀的传统文化元素UI设计作品,从“形”“境”“意”三个层面探讨中国传统文化元素在UI设计中的应用方式。通过文章的研究,以期为UI设计的中国化提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China's traditional cultural elements for thousands of years have very distinctive national characteristics and spiritual outlook, showing the diversity and richness of culture. UI design (user interface design, hereinafter referred to as UI) as an emerging design field subject, in the context of the era of globalization, the Chinese design style should be formed. By combing the application significance and application status of Chinese traditional cultural elements in UI, combined with the excellent UI design cases of traditional cultural elements in the market, this paper discusses the application mode of Chinese traditional cultural elements in UI design from the three levels of "form", " situation" and " artistic conception ", Through the research of the article, so as to provide some reference for the Sinicization of UI design.

Key Words:Chinese Traditional Cultural Elements; UI Design; User Interface; Application