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单位:青岛科技大学...     作者:勾锐,陈泽廷      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:矿产资源枯竭后形成的矿坑废弃地区域,严重威胁着周边的生态环境。对废弃地进行综合治理和再利用是生态文明建设的当务之急。文章在理论研究的基础上,结合矿坑废弃地的生态治理现状,探讨生态修复与文化景观设计协同优化的策略及方法,指出矿坑生态修复治理与文化旅游产业统筹合一的路径。主张因地制宜地打造“生态+文旅”产业,力求修复矿坑废弃地区域完整、和谐、健康的生态圈,为区域生态修复提供思路和参考。


中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the wicket abandoned land formed after the depletion of mineral resources, which seriously threatens the surrounding ecological environment. Comprehensive treatment and reuse of wicket abandoned land is an urgent task for the construction of ecological civilization. Base on the theoretical research, this paper discusses the strategies and methods of collaborative optimization of ecological restoration and cultural landscape design, and points out the path of the integration of wicket ecological restoration management and cultural tourism industry. It is advocated to build an "ecological + cultural tourism" industry according to local conditions, strive to repair the complete, harmonious and healthy ecosystem in the wicket abandoned land, and provide ideas and references for regional ecological restoration.

Key Words:Wicket Abandoned Land; Culture Landscape Design; Ecological Restoration; Huaxia City