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单位:南京航空航天...     作者:薛雨,尚彩玲,赵中建     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:互联网时代下的餐饮空间正在悄无声息地发生着智能创新的适应性改变,智能smart这一新兴设计理念也逐步成为新的设计标签,登上了空间营造的历史舞台。因此在科技时代的背景下,文章基于空间情感化设计的基本原理,着重分析并探讨了餐饮空间在智能语境下的情感化设计原则与策略。以期餐饮空间能够满足人们的情感需求,对今后的餐饮空间设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU247.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The catering space in the Internet era is quietly changing its adaptability to intelligent innovation. The emerging design concept of intelligent smart has gradually become a new design label and stepped on the historical stage of space construction. Therefore, under the proposition of the era of science and technology, based on the basic principle of emotional design of space, this paper will focus on analyzing and discussing the emotional design ideas and construction methods of catering space in the intelligent context. It is expected that the catering space can meet people's emotional needs and provide some reference for the future catering space design.

Key Words:Entelligence; Catering space; Emotional design; Design psychology