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单位:漳州理工职业学院     作者:马金立,陈港能     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:为解决学生因病事假无法到校学习的问题,设计了一款远程替身机器人,其目的在于打破现有远程机器人价格昂贵的壁垒,同时尝试通过此设计打破线上教学中无学校的学习氛围及同学间的互动等问题,借此达到增强师生与学生之间互动的目的。文章阐述了远程替身机器人的现状、概念和用户需求,对远程替身机器人在功能、结构、购买方式及操作平台上进行了分析。新型的远程替身机器人将采用共享租用模式,并具有小巧便携、功能性多的特点,主要解决在校生及因先天性疾病无法到校学习的问题。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to solve the problem of students unable to study at school due to sick leave, and to help students who cannot come to school, a remote stand-in robot is designed. The purpose is to break the expensive barriers of existing remote robots and make them popular. At the same time, through this design, we try to break the problem of no school learning atmosphere and interaction between students in online teaching, so as to achieve the purpose of enhancing the interaction between teachers and students. This paper expounds the status quo, concept and user requirements of the remote avatar robot, and proposes the function, structure, purchasing method and operating platform of the remote avatar robot. The new remote avatar robot will be shared and rented, and has the characteristics of small size, portability and multiple functions.

Key Words:Sharing; Remote Avatar Robot Design; Humanistic Care; Interaction Design; APP Design