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单位:泉州师范学院     作者:张杨,王伟俊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:文章通过文献法和案例研究分析法对博物馆文化体验空间设计的现状加以了解,并对其设计特点进行分析,目的是将多模态理论应用在博物馆空间的体验设计领域。文章以研究现代博物馆文化空间体验设计为切入点,探究多模态理论融入博物馆文化空间设计的重要性和影响,创建多样式的体验性空间,增强博物馆空间的体验感和教育传播性,突出多模态理论对博物馆文化空间中体验设计的重要性。以期通过对多模态理论的研究分析,在空间中融入五感体验设计,创建沉浸式体验空间、智慧展厅和虚拟展厅等多样式的博物馆空间体验形式。


中图分类号:TU242.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article has been understood by the status quo of the museum culture experience space design by literature method and case study, and analyzes its design characteristics, and finally apply multimodal theory to the experience design area of the museum space.The article is designed with the cultural space experience of modern museums as an entry point. Exploring the importance and impact of multimodal theory into the cultural space design of the museum, create multi-style experience space, enhance the experience and education of the museum space, and highlights.Theory Theory 's Importance of Experience Design in Museum Cultural Space.Through the research analysis of multi-modal theory, integration into the five-sense experience design, create an immersive experience space, smart exhibition hall and virtual exhibition hall experience form.

Key Words:Multimode Theory; Museum Culture Space; Experience Design