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单位:武汉华夏理工学院     作者:焦洁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:中药文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分,中药文化需要得到传承与发展。近年来,越来越多的病人通过服用中药进行治疗与调理,但中药的熬制与加热不易操作并且较为复杂,人们对于传统中药文化的了解较少。为使传统中药炮制技术得到更广泛的传播,帮助人们合理正确的居家熬制中药。文章首先概述了传统中药炮制技术的起源、工艺及器具。然后分析了现代中药器具的使用现状,最后赋予实践。以期传承传统中药炮制技术,满足现代服用中药患者的需求。

关键词:传统中药炮制技术;中药器具 ;产品设计

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional Chinese medicine culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, traditional Chinese medicine culture needs to be inherited, spread and development. In recent years, more and more patients take traditional Chinese medicine for treatment and conditioning, but the boiling and heating of traditional Chinese medicine is not easy to operate and more complex, people have little understanding of traditional Chinese medicine culture. In order to make the processing technology of traditional Chinese medicine more widely spread and help people to make Chinese medicine reasonably and correctly at home. This paper first analyzes the origin, technology and apparatus of traditional Chinese medicine processing technology. Then analyze the use of modern Chinese medicine instruments, and finally give practice. In order to inherit the traditional Chinese medicine processing technology, to meet the needs of modern patients taking Chinese medicine.

Key Words:Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Technology; Chinese Medicine Apparatus; Product Design