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单位:沈阳师范大学     作者:江韶华,商茜雨      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-09-26

摘 要:随着网络时代的发展,使得IP(Intellectual Property,知识产权,以下简称IP)形象和文化创意产品的概念被频繁引用,因此IP形象与文化产业经济的相互融合和交叉发展已成为一种趋势,这也为品牌文化的推广和利益的获取提供了新方式。文章首先阐述了IP形象和文化创意产品的概念基础;其次,分析了IP形象在文化创意产品中的表现特征和应用特征,并以案例佐证。通过文章的研究,以期能为文化创意产品提供一定的设计思路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of the Internet age, the concept of IP image and cultural creative products are frequently cited. Therefore, the integration and cross-development of IP image and cultural industry economy has become a trend, which also provides a new way for the promotion of brand culture and the acquisition of benefits. The article first expounds the conceptual basis of IP image and cultural and creative products, and secondly, analyzes the performance and application characteristics of IP image in cultural and creative products, and illustrates with cases. Through the research of the article, it is expected to provide certain design ideas for cultural and creative products.

Key Words:IP image; Cultural and creative products; Performance characteristics; Application characteristics