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单位:华南农业大学...     作者:方平平,彭金美,郭琼     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:现代办公时间的不断延长对办公家具的设计提出了新的要求,在工作中获得更舒适的工作体验和更高的工作效率成为办公家具设计的重点。文章基于典型用户研究提出居室化办公家具设计理念,通过对用户调研数据的分析总结提出了情感化设计、可调节结构设计、多样化功能设计、私密性设计、系统性设计五个居室化办公家具设计原则。借助设计阶层图,获得色彩、形态、材质、功能与尺寸为主的居室化办公家具设计切入点,展开设计实践并获得了两套居室化办公家具设计方案。通过研究表明,居室化办公家具设计有助于办公环境更加舒适化、健康化,并能提高工作效率,优化办公体验,对办公家具设计有一定参考借鉴作用。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Modern office hours continue to extend the design of office furniture has put forward new requirements, in the work to obtain a more comfortable working experience and higher efficiency has become the focus of office furniture design. The article proposes the concept of living room office furniture design based on typical user research, and through the analysis of user research data summarizes the five types of living room office furniture design principles: emotional design, adjustable structure design, diverse function design, privacy design, and systematic design. With the help of the design class diagram, we obtained the entry points of color, form, material, function and size for the design of office furniture, and launched the design practice and obtained two sets of office furniture design solutions. Through research, it has been shown that the design of office furniture can help the office environment to be more comfortable and healthy, and can improve work efficiency and optimize the office experience, which has a certain reference for the design of office furniture.

Key Words:User Research; living room; Office Furniture Design; Principles