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单位:广西艺术学院     作者:郝梦雅,方如意     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:二十四节气在中华传统文化中扮演着重要的角色,文章以新时代下二十四节气文化在陶瓷茶器载体上的设计应用为例,探索全新节气文化面貌展现方式,增强节气文化在茶器中的多元化表现。通过将节气文化元素进行筛选、提取、图案再创作,并将中国的传统色彩与古诗巧妙的结合运用至茶器中,使时令茶器在具有实用功能的同时体现节气文化,代入节气体验。增强文化认知的同时促进节气文化的应用发展与传承。

关键词:二十四节气;产品设计;陶瓷茶器 ;时令文化

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Twenty-four solar terms play an important role in Chinese traditional culture. Based on the design and application of the twenty-four solar terms culture on the carrier of ceramic tea in the new era, this paper explores the appearance of a new solar terms culture and enhances the diversified performance of solar terms culture in tea utensils. By screening, extracting and recreating the elements of solar terms culture, and applying the clever combination of Chinese traditional colors and ancient poetry to tea utensils, the tea utensils can embody solar terms culture while having practical functions, replace solar terms experience, enhance cultural cognition and promote the application development and inheritance of solar terms culture.

Key Words:The 24 Solar Terms; Product design; Ceramic tea ware;Time culture