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单位:西南交通大学     作者:邓静,李兰静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-08-23

摘 要:文章从服务设计的角度出发对服务型产品进行合理化设计,以小型超市冷藏展示柜为例,尽可能消除由于无效行为引起的使用效率低的现象,降低用户在使用过程中的焦虑感,使得用户快速完成预期行为。基于 “有形的产品”+“无形的服务”这一产品服务设计的理念,“有形的产品”即物理服务型产品,“无形的服务”即综合考虑使用环境、使用方式以及服务设计理念下的用户旅程图,从用户旅程图中分析用户在使用过程中的触点,并对触点和痛点进行研究,从中找出设计机会点提出优化设计,形成良好的使用体验。 


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the perspective of service design, this paper rationalized the design of service-oriented products, taking the refrigerated and display cabinets of small supermarkets as an example, as far as possible to eliminate the phenomenon of low efficiency caused by ineffective behavior, reduce the anxiety of users in the process of using, and enable users to quickly complete the expected behavior. Based on "tangible products" + "intangible service" the idea of the product design services, "tangible products" physical service products, namely "invisible service" which is considered use environment, use and service the figure, the journey of the design concept from the user's journey in the graph analysis of users in the use of the contact, in the process of study and the contact and pain points, Find out the design opportunity points and put forward the optimization design to form a good use experience.

Key Words:Product Design; Service Design; Refrigerated and Display Cabinets; Service Products