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单位:广西艺术学院     作者:张雅琪,宁昭仑     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-21

摘 要:“盘王印”是瑶族最具有代表性的装饰图案,其形成和发展蕴藏着瑶族深厚的文化情感、民族信仰和追求。将“盘王印”图案运用在现代展示空间设计中,有助于体现和提升展示空间艺术的设计风格、文化特色与民族形象。首先,文章从动态化角度分析了“盘王印”图案的艺术特征;其次,探索了“盘王印”图案在展示设计中的应用意义;最后,具体阐述了其在展示空间设计中立体化、形式化、情感化的应用方法。以期为展示设计提供新的思路。


中图分类号:J525.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Pan Wang Yin" is the most representative decorative pattern of Yao nationality, and its formation and development contain profound cultural feelings, national beliefs and people's pursuit of Yao nationality. The application of "Pan Wang Yin" pattern in modern exhibition space design is helpful to reflect and enhance the design style, cultural characteristics and national image of exhibition space art. First of all, the article analyzes the artistic features of Pan Wang Yin from three aspects: pattern, color and national emotion. Secondly, it explores the application significance of "Pan Wang Yin" pattern in exhibition design; Finally, the application method of three-dimensional, formal and emotional in the design of exhibition space is elaborated in detail. This paper discusses the application research of "Pan Wang Yin" pattern in exhibition design, and provides new ideas for exhibition design.

Key Words:Pan King Seal; Exhibition Design; Ethnic Elements; Application