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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:时陈,段忠诚,王健远     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-20

摘 要:城市化的发展使人们的日常出行逐渐依赖于汽车。在国内汽车消费市场不断扩大的背景下,私家车的拥有率也在持续上升,停车位紧张、停车困难等问题越来越严重。在设计初期,若地下车库的设计结合实际情况,充分考虑地下空间和停车方式,既可以增加停车位数量、减少停车成本,又可以提升地下车库的品质。文章通过分析地下车库存在的问题,从空间设计入手,并根据实际案例对地下车库的优化设计进行了思考与探讨,以期为设计人员的提供有益的参考。


中图分类号:TU926 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of urbanization makes People's Daily travel dependent on cars. In the context of the expanding domestic automobile market, the ownership rate of private cars has been rising, and problems such as the shortage of parking Spaces and parking difficulties are becoming more and more serious. If the design of underground garage is combined with the actual situation and the design of underground space and parking mode are fully considered in the early stage of design, not only can increase the number of parking Spaces, reduce parking costs, but also can improve the quality of underground garage. This paper analyzes the existing problems of the underground garage, and discusses the optimization design of the underground garage based on the actual cases, so as to provide some useful references for the designers to further design.

Key Words:Underground Garage; Parking Mode; Space Design; Optimum Design