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单位:南京理工大学     作者:桑星瑞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-20

摘 要:大白兔糖果作为老字号品牌是大部分国人心中的童年记忆。为了顺应新媒体时代的到来,推动品牌创新发展,文章首先介绍了大白兔品牌的历史并分析表情包对老字号品牌的重要性;其次,对有关设计案例进行分析,最后提出设计思路,将大白兔品牌中提取的视觉元素与表情包设计结合,用以提升品牌的文化内涵和时代价值。通过文章的研究,以期将表情包的设计与老字号大白兔品牌文化、品牌理念之间建立联系,促进与消费者之间的情感联结,塑造品牌特色。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a time-honored brand born in China in the last century, big white rabbit candy is the childhood memory of most Chinese people. In order to comply with the arrival of the new media era and promote the innovation and development of the brand, this paper first introduces the history of the big white rabbit brand and analyzes the importance of the expression package to the time-honored brand. Secondly, it analyzes the relevant design cases, and finally puts forward the design idea to combine the visual elements extracted from the big white rabbit brand with the expression package design, so as to improve the cultural connotation and time value of the brand. Through the research of this article, we hope to establish the relationship between the design of expression bag and the brand culture and brand concept of time-honored white rabbit, promote the emotional connection with consumers and shape the brand characteristics.

Key Words:the old brand; White Rabbit; Expression Package Design