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单位:武汉纺织大学...     作者:李丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-07-20

摘 要:“1+N”理念在近几年兴起,很多行业都在尝试“1+N”来改善工作、提高效率。文章以艺术设计综合类课程《品牌形象设计》为例,在常规教学方法的基础上,深入分析“1+N”跨界式教学模式对艺术设计综合类课程教学的影响,提出了“1+N”跨界式教学模式在《品牌形象设计》课程教学中的应用思路,为艺术设计专业教学提供借鉴与参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The "1+N" concept has emerged in recent years, and many industries are trying "1+N" to improve work and efficiency. Taking the comprehensive art and design course "Brand Image Design" as an example, on the basis of conventional teaching methods, this paper deeply analyzes the influence of the "1+N" cross-border teaching mode on the teaching of comprehensive art and design courses, and proposes a "1+N" cross-border teaching model. The application of N" cross-border teaching mode in the teaching of "Brand Image Design" provides reference and reference for the teaching of art design.

Key Words: "1+N" ; Teaching Mode; The Teaching Reform