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单位:大连大学机械...     作者:严陈凯,杜玉,伍智泓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-06-29

摘 要:智能机器人在消防侦查及救援领域的出现,能够有效提升救援能力与效率,降低消防作业危险程度,减少人员牺牲,赢得宝贵时间。文章基于现有消防机器人成本较高、移动不便、精准欠佳、未成体系等问题,提出基于麦克纳姆轮机构的消防机器人改良方案,并具体设计出一款全方向移动消防侦查机器人概念产品,探讨其在地形适配、主动避障、模块化功能、智能操控等方面的研发前景。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The emergence of intelligent robots in the field of fire investigation and rescue can effectively improve the rescue ability and efficiency, reduce the risk of fire operation, reduce personnel sacrifice and win valuable time. Based on the problems of high cost, inconvenient movement, poor accuracy and lack of system of existing fire robots, this paper puts forward an improvement scheme of fire robots based on mecanum wheel mechanism, designs a concept product of omni-directional mobile fire detection robot, and discusses its R & D prospects in terrain adaptation, active obstacle avoidance, modular function, intelligent control and so on.

Key Words:Mecanum Wheel; Fire Detection Robot; Omnidirectional Movement; Intellectualization