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单位: 1.广西科技大...     作者:张少华,喻国伟,欧阳安      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-24

摘 要:文章基于符号学理论,选取一南一北两个极具文化独特性的少数民族赫哲族与苗族作为研究对象,采用案例研究与符号学的研究方法,并从中选取赫哲族婚服和苗族百鸟衣上的纹饰进行对比分析,阐释、评估其意义价值。通过对比服装纹饰产生的原因与所蕴含的意义,探究南北方纹饰符号差异的文化原因,并服务于民族非物质文化遗产的发展与文化创意产品的开发。


中图分类号:TS941.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper based on the theory of semiotics, so as to promote the inheritance and development of the ornamental art of ethnic minorities. The article selects the Hezhe and Miao nationalities, two culturally unique ethnic minorities, one south and one north, as the research objects, adopts the research method of case study and semiotics, and selects the decorations on the Hezhe wedding clothes and the Miao Bird clothes. Comparative analysis, interpretation and evaluation of its significance and value. By comparing the reasons and meanings of clothing decoration, we can explore the cultural reasons for the differences between the north and south decoration symbols, and serve the development of national intangible cultural heritage and the development of cultural and creative products.

Key Words:Semiotics; National Ornamentation; Hezhen Wedding Dress; Miao  Nationality Bird Dress